Ultimate Chicken Horse Wiki
Treehouse (New Game)

The Treehouse, before anything has been unlocked

The Treehouse acts as the main game lobby and contains many different interactable objects.

This is where additional players can join by connecting input devices, character selection is done, game modes and options are set, and the level to play is chosen.

It acts as an interactive menu that can be navigated via the character controller.

Character selection[]

To select a Character, hover your cursor over one of the animals at the base of the tree, and press the "Jump" button.

Mode button[]

On top of the house there is a large Mode button that is used to change the Game Mode. Simply jump on it and it will cycle through the four modes.

This button can be locked via the Treehouse Menu.


Treehouse - Wardrobe

Outfit selection

On the second floor of the house there is a chest, a coat hanger, a mirror and a dresser. To change your current Character's outfit, stand in front of one of those wardrobe objects and press the "Jump" button. This will open a menu with multiple outfit slots, showing the outfits that are unlocked for that character. Use the direction buttons to select an outfit, and press the "Back/Cancel" button when you’re done.

On a new save file, the wardrobe objects appear covered by blankets, and they are unresponsive. They become uncovered when the player has unlocked their first outfit for any character.

Level platforms[]

Treehouse All Levels

The Treehouse with all level platforms

Every level that has been unlocked by the host player will show up in the Treehouse. The more levels unlocked, the bigger the tree will be.

Level selection is made by having each player stand still on their chosen level's platform and waiting for the countdown to reach 0. The game will randomly select one of the levels that the players have selected and the match will begin.

In Local lobbies, the level voting countdown only starts (from 3) when all players are on a level platform. In Online lobbies, the countdown begins at 20 as soon as the Host stands on a level platform. When all players are standing on a platform, the countdown goes down to 3.

Random level platform[]

Rather than voting for a level, a player may choose to stand on the Random level platform, which is placed on the ground level to the right. If their vote wins, the game will load a random level for the match.

Blank Level platform[]

Situated underground, the Blank Level can only be selected in Free Play mode. It will put the players in a completely empty level with adjustable borders, music and background. This is very useful for building custom levels.

Loaded level platform[]

Also underground, connected to the Level Loader, there are 4 level platforms. Custom levels loaded in the A, B, C and D slots using the Level Loader appear at those platforms, and players can vote to play them like they vote for levels above ground.

Score Balancer[]

Score Balancer

The Score Balancer

Players can use the Score Balancer to give themselves a handicap, by jumping to hit the buttons under the platform. This can be used to balance out the scores of players of different skill levels. 

  • A player can only change the value of their own handicap.
  • A handicap of 60% means that the player will receive 60% of the regular value of all points during a match (i.e. 40% less than normal).
  • It’s impossible to go above 100%, meaning that you can never receive more than the regular amount of points.


Shared Controller Couch[]

Treehouse - Shared Controller Couch

The Shared Controller Couch

When playing locally, the Shared Controller Couch appears on the bottom floor of the house.

To enter Shared Controller mode, stand in front of the Shared Controller Couch and press the "Jump" button. This will bring up a new cursor that you can use to select another character. You can repeat this to have up to 4 characters, allowing you to start a multiplayer game with a single input device.

The players will pass the controller or keyboard to play the game. Keep in mind that there are a few changes to the game that make this mode work.

  1. The Game Mode is automatically switched and locked to Creative.
  2. Once the game starts, the players will take turns first placing blocks from the Inventory, then running through the course. The scoreboard is displayed after all players have completed the round.
  3. It's not possible to score "First" points (or Second, Third, and Fourth points).
  4. If Sudden Death is activated, an on-screen timer will appear and the player with the fastest time wins the game.

Modifiers table[]

The Modifiers table is located on the bottom floor of the house, between the Shared Controller Couch and the Rules terminal. Stand in front of it and press the "Jump" button to quickly open the Modifiers menu.

Rules terminal[]

Situated on a shelf on the bottom floor of the house, the Rules terminal opens the Treehouse menu if a player stands in front of it and presses the "Jump" button. Keep in mind that the Treehouse menu can be opened anywhere in the Treehouse by pressing the "Pause/Menu" button.

Level Loader[]

Treehouse - Level Loader

The Level Loader

The Level Loader is an underground terminal for downloading and playing custom levels. The easiest way to get to it is by following the red power cord into the well. To activate it, stand in front of it and press the "Jump" button.

Credits button[]

Treehouse - Credits

The interactive Credits

When a player jumps on the Credits button, the game credits will appear on the left.

Players can also jump on the words and move around on them.


  • The Score Balancer was added in version 1.2
  • The custom level terminal (Level Loader) was added in version 1.3
  • The Blank Level button was added in version 1.4
  • The Random level button and the Modifiers table were added in version 1.6