Ultimate Chicken Horse Wiki
Options menu

The Options menu

The Options menu shows the Controls, and four subcategories:

  • Keyboard Configuration (PC only)
  • Audio & Video (just Audio on consoles)
  • Online Options (not shown in Local lobbies)
  • Languages


The Options menu shows a diagram of what each button does on a controller.

Some of the controls are explained further below.

Sprint: The Sprint buttons also work with the cursors to increase cursor sensitivity when using a controller. On controllers that have two Sprint buttons, you can hold both of them to make cursors (but not characters) move even faster.

Rotate blocks: With certain blocks, you can get alternate rotation / mirroring controls by holding the Sprint button while pressing the rotate buttons.

Camera focus: When playing online, press both Rotate buttons at once to change the camera focus so that it follows Local players only or All players.

Zoom: While building a level in Free Play mode, you can press the Zoom button to zoom in or out, depending on your preference.


Xbox controls


PlayStation controls

Options-Controls-NSwitch 1

Nintendo Switch controls

Options-Controls-NSwitch 2

Single Joy-Con controls

Keyboard Configuration[]

Options - Keyboard Configuration

The Keyboard Configuration menu

The keyboard can be configured as an input device on PC only. It is possible to use a keyboard to use the Chat function on Xbox and PlayStation, but it cannot be used as a controller.

On PC, all keyboard controls can be remapped by clicking in the relevant field, then pressing the button you want to map the action to.

The Alternate mappings allow you to map the same action to two different buttons.

This does not allow you to have two players using the same keyboard simultaneously to each control a character.

To erase all changes made to keyboard mapping and return to the default settings, press the Reset to Defaults button.

Audio & Video[]

Options - Audio & Video

The Audio & Video menu

On consoles, this menu only has Audio options.

Graphics (PC only)

  • The game detects the display properties and suggests appropriate resolutions.
  • With Show Version On, the game version will always appear at the top left of the screen.


  • With Background Audio Off (PC only), you will not hear music and sound effects from the game when the window is not in focus.

Online Options[]

Options - Online Options

The Online Options menu

This menu is only available from the Main Menu or from an Online lobby.

Camera follows

You can choose to have the camera follow All players to see everyone on the screen at all times in an online lobby, or only Local players if you prefer a more zoomed in view.

AFK Kicker

This determines how long online players in your lobby can be inactive (Away From Keyboard) during a game before being kicked out of the lobby. Setting this to None will prevent anyone from getting disconnected for inactivity.

Name Visibility

This determines whether you see the username of each online player above their character.

Chat & Emotes

This allows you to decide whether the online chat is On, displays Emotes Only, or is Off.


Options - Languages

The Languages menu

This menu allows you to select a display language for the game. There are 14 display languages available on all platforms:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

On PC, there is also a 15th language: Czech.
