Ultimate Chicken Horse Wiki
Main Menu

The Main Menu

The Main Menu is the first interactive screen you see when you launch Ultimate Chicken Horse.

It consists of an animated splash screen, with the Start prompt displayed.

Pressing a button on an input device (mouse, keyboard, or controller) sets that device as Player 1, and makes the Start Menu pop up on screen.

Start Menu[]

Start Menu

The Start Menu allows the player to choose to Play Local or Play Online and adjust the game settings.

On PC, it also has additional buttons that open relevant forms and sites in a browser tab.

Play Local[]

Starts a local lobby and loads the Treehouse.

Play Online[]

Opens the Ultimate Chicken Horse Online menu.

Twitch (PC only)[]

Opens the Twitch Integration menu.

Fun Report (PC only)[]

Opens the Ultimate Chicken Horse Fun Report form in a browser tab.

Report Bug (PC only)[]

Opens the Ultimate Chicken Horse Bug Report form in a browser tab.


Opens the Stats menu.


Opens the Options menu.

Quit (PC only)[]

Opens a prompt to Quit to Desktop, or Cancel.

Twitter icon (PC only)[]

Opens the Clever Endeavour Games Twitter profile in a browser tab.

Discord icon (PC only)[]

Opens the invite page to the Ultimate Chicken Horse Discord server in a browser tab.

Reddit icon (PC only)[]

Opens the Ultimate Chicken Horse subreddit in a browser tab.

T-shirt icon (PC only)[]

Opens the Clever Endeavour Shop page in a browser tab.



Example of a toast: A-cobra-tic Update

The Toast displays a short announcement about the game. On PC, clicking it opens a link in a browser tab.


  • To change the input device for Player 1, it is necessary to back out to the Main Menu.